AZ Mustangs Track Videos Page
Updated 4-4-2006

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AZ Mustangs compilation Video Download it here
Hot Teams 2002 Season wrap-up video. Check it out!

Here is the footage from me and Kyle’s jaunt around Ahwatukee in Jeff’s 98 F355.  There are no smoky burnouts or 150mph runs, but there are some funny moments.

Ferrari F355 

Scott from Shortbus and his 408 ci Mustang vs Ghost's SS with a 110 shot and bolt ons.  Scott was spinning like crazy!!! Scott vs Ghost's SS
Jason vs Shawn, racing again.  Shawn on pump gas and 10 psi.  25mph roll Jason vs Shawn
Turbo 200SX (misses 5th) vs 00 Camaro SS, headers, bolt ons  
Dirty Grill's 2000 M Coupe vs Turbo Mustang  
Trentk racing some a-hole in a new SS who just shot rocks on my car while leaving the track.  I also had the Nitrous and the slipping clutch armed and ready to go. Stupid SS
Trentk vs the Nic (2000 LS1, the same Camaro racing Jason up top.) Trent vs Nic
Trentk vs. Ryan ("GT This" license plate) 2000 LS1.  I miss 3rd then I hit the juice to catch up. N20 is my Friend
Some guy (130shot) vs a D1R blown 94 GT (untuned)   Round 1 WMV  Round 1 AVI
Race #2, this time from 3rd gear so there was no spinning. Round 2 WMV  Round 2 AVI
Some guy against a BPU+++ Supra from a roll, the Supra does not brake boost in the first run.  But does in the second. Run 1  Run 2
Against the same supra from a Stop.  Neither car ever gets a great launch. Run 1  Run 2
BPU+ Supra (FMIC) with racegas vs 99 Cobra with exhaust and gears:  55 roll   35 roll

Track Archive

Trentk at the track 2004. Video
F36 Rob, 66 Mustang 522 vs M11 Billy, 70 Challenger 440  (The 66 Mustang flips at the 1000 foot mark) Match 5
The damage from Rob's wreck Video


Dave M, solo pass for hot teams.   Dave 12.20
Steve vs Bluebyyou 56 Ford Race Truck Steve vs bluebyou
Todd vs Blown Yellow Blazer Todd vs Blownblazer
Jeff doing a few more wheelies. 3 wheelies???
Rick's HCI (heads, cam, intake) 306 with 200 shot vs. Kurts HCI carb'd 306 with 150 shot. Rick VS Kurt
Shannon's car running like ass vs a big talker in a Supra. Shannon vs Supra
Finally!! Redemption- Me vs. Shannon and I finally get to beat on him after 2 years of him kicking my butt. Trent & Shannon
Trentk n/a (Nittos DR's) N/A Run               
Trentk 75 shot.  (Nitto DR's) 75 Shot Run
Jason vs the Byrdvert Jason vs Byrd
Jason popping a wheelie at the track. 99 Cobra Wheelie

Disclaimer:  All photos and videos on this site have been digitally modified.  Each photo or video has been created for entertainment purposes only. This is not a NEWS site, nor does it represent itself as such. The descriptions, pictures, and stories held here are NOT to be seen as true, and any resemblance to any actual occurrences are purely coincidental. In Other Words: These pictures and stories are NOT to be used as "proof" of anything, as they are NOT original, nor are they factual. All have been modified. In other words, we may have taken pictures of cars in parking lots and superimposed them onto streets to make them LOOK like they are racing. We may have taken pictures of people in line at McDonalds and at the WalMart, and made it LOOK like they were standing on a deserted street, watching cars that weren't there. As the photos are ALL digital, and there are NO original photos left, any statement otherwise is hearsay, and not valid in any legal situation. Here's the point. Don't even thnk about using these moving pictures or stories as any type of evidence.